Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Soluv Magazine and Always Alice announce the “Create your own LOVE LAND” Campaign

Los Angeles, CA, October 3, 2011:  Always Alice (www.alwaysalice.com) a leading inspirational media company in partnership with Soluv Magazine (http://soluvmagazine.com/) announced today its first cycle of Love You (for life) – “40 days of Love” to launch online Monday, February 6, 2012. 

“We are asking people to make a commitment to Love for 40 days to realign their thinking with the first of a series of 40 day cycles to create a practice of amplifying the experience of love in their lives.  It is time to get serious about being loving.  A large portion of the population has fallen into a stasis. It is time to wake people up.” says writer and Love visionary Melanie Lutz “This 40 day cycle is part of a larger Love Land movement designed to turn up the self-love in our communities and around the planet!” 

Soluv Magazine and Always Alice plan to run additional 40 day cycles of Loving You (for life) throughout 2012.   ”With care and work we are going to get active about sharing a message heart to heart to make a change in our communities.”  Editor in Chief Aldeana Frazell adds.

Participants like Enrietta Lee are grateful, “This is a much needed loving jolt to the system, these 40 days of Love  reminds you to embrace each day with love from the inside out uplifting your thinking and helps create a new joy filled experience with life.” 

This 40 day. All Love. process gives people an opportunity to have a moment in the morning where they can remember the truth about themselves and head into the day with Love on the agenda.
For additional information and to get involved with the 40 Day All Love movement in your community please check out Soluv Magazine’s website http://soluvmagazine.com/.

Make the commitment to remember the truth of who you are and show up fully for yourself. Wake up today with love in your heart and have an answer ready for whatever comes up, and we all know it will be something and say “I am going to meet this situation with love.”
It matters that we get it right.



Always Alice is a production company dedicated to creating inspiring and uplifting media filled with passion and purpose for global audiences. Always Alice embraces remembering and recovering what unites us, and celebrates our evolution into the future: A future rich in possibilities, where art meets commerce and courage in story telling flourishes. www.alwaysalice.com


Supporting the Truth that all women are beautiful

Soluv Magazine is a quarterly online magazine dedicated to supporting the truth that all women are beautiful. This publication trail blazes a new refreshing option, by focusing on the restorative messages required for finding a healthy balance of mind and body. Soluv Magazine presents an honest an in-depth direction for ambitious women of all ages who are willing to tap into the power of knowing that life is about strength of soul, of character, of rejoicing in our femininity, and loving ourselves, so we can love and be loved by others. www.soluvmagazine.com


An emerging voice in the movement of peace and love on the planet Melanie is committed to love as a social force.


Executive Editor and Creator of Soluv Magazine. Aldeana has put her life into making a positive change in the world by uniting the power of women

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