Honoring the tradition of Love and embodying the power it represents.
Each step taken in complete unconditional love requires the courage of an open heart. A heart wide open for all it encounters, taking action from the space that knows loving everyone is not some passive deal, it is a steely strength, one of the most powerful stances of being in the world. It is not a secret Loving everyone means standing up to and for things and people that scare you, and releasing what does not serve us to find the freedom to express our soul's code. It means standing up for the truth even though it would be easier to stay silent. It means loving in the face of what disturbs us most. It is a practice of love beyond what the eyes and ears are seeing and hearing.
By allowing everything that naturally comes up in a Loving embrace to wash through and connect to that language beyond words, to take that beat of Love, everything becomes lighter; the challenges, the tests and the traumas, our perceived differentness melts away past the wounds. Building a Love arsenal. An active and valiant tool chest of openness and vulnerability takes work and patience and courage and becomes the building blocks in training yourself to stay present in the seat of Love, belted in when necessary, remembering the truth.
V'ahavta I'rayakha - and you shall have Love in your heart,
V'ahavta kamokha - for yourself and your friends,
V'ahavta ani hashem - to create a world of hope and peace,
Each of us finds our own way on the path of the peaceful spiritual warrior in Love, as my favorite Rabbi shares "capable of wrestling with life without being defeated by living." Each of us finds our own way to express this language of the heart and live in our joy with courage to love.
In choosing to Love everyone you become the beneficiary of a huge mitzvah. The mitzvah of learning how to Love yourself. And that is a Gift that keeps on giving.
When you can Love everyone (including yourself) there is nothing that is not possible.
May you enjoy the courageous expression of all that you are.
In the words of John F. Kennedy from His Eulogy for Robert Frost, One of the Greatest Speeches of All Time. "...power by itself solves no problems and secures no victories. What counts is the way power is used — whether with swagger and contempt, or with prudence, discipline and magnanimity. What counts is the purpose for which power is used — whether for aggrandizement or for liberation. “It is excellent,” Shakespeare said, “to have a giant’s strength; but it is tyrannous to use it like a giant.”
lots of Love, Mel
Melanie Lutz is a screenwriter and all around magnificent woman living in Los Angeles. You can check out her Love movement at www.allsystemslove.com and keep up to date with all things Mel at MelanieLutz.com.
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