Tuesday, March 07, 2017

One Good Story. Officer Nichols. LAPD. All Systems Love.

When I asked Officer Nichols if the badges in the memory box on the wall at the Los Angeles Police Department headquarters represented Officers killed in the line of duty he said
As tears formed in my eyes he said
"You see that traffic light post over there?"
I nodded.
"Around the City when you see a name on a lightpost that is where that Officer was killed."
I read the names on the badges in the memory box, seeing diversity, the lives, the people who died protecting our streets... Sanchez, Johnson, Cuesta, Brown. Navidad, Rios... I shared with Officer Nicols how grateful we are for his and their service. He went on to say
"They (the media) cover the bad news not the great stuff that takes place in our community and with the people we serve. Just yesterday we volunteered with Operation School Bell to put socks and shoes on young kids. We have conversation, we stay open, we stand in our communities everyday to protect and serve that community."

In the background the musicians played "I think to myself, it's a wonderful world. I think to myself, it's a wonderful world."

The world is not a perfect place.  There is good and there is evil.  When you turn on the light darkness disappears. When your only focus is on a pinpoint of fear you lose site of the larger canvass of love and kindness tacking place in the world. Thanks to the women who march, the world we are living in, the smiles we get to share, the love we extend and the kindness we offer each other in the light of forces we can't control.  Mels Love Land #MiniMag Issue 10 | Love Everyone

Lots of Love, Mel.